A tare is a weed. From what I understand, most of the time, it looks very much like a wheat plant, except that, at harvest time, because it’s a weed, it doesn’t bear any grain. Farmers generally don’t like weeds growing among their crops, but if it’s hard to tell the difference, well, then sometimes you just have to let things be. Besides, sometimes weeds get their roots entangled with the roots of other plants, so, if you pull up a tare, then you may uproot some wheat plants, too.
Some people say that the tares represent false churches. I don’t think it’s so much false churches, as just, false Christians. Don’t misunderstand me; I have no doubt that there are entire churches full of false Christians. My point, though, is that there have always been people, in and around the church, that managed to maintain the appearance of Christianity, without ever actually being converted.
Even Jesus Himself asked His disciples, “Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” They didn’t get it. I’m not sure that even Judas realized that Jesus was talking about him. When it came down to the Last Supper, Jesus told them that one of them would betray Him, and the other eleven each asked, “Is it I?” before Judas did. Even when Judas asked, and Jesus told him to go, the others thought that Jesus was sending Judas out to buy something. Think about that for a minute: Each of the other eleven thought it more likely that he himself would betray Christ than that Judas would. Judas certainly had them fooled, didn’t he? He didn’t fool Jesus, though.
Sometimes we get caught up in appearances, even though we have been warned not to look on the outward appearance. This person seems like such a good Christian, he/she has got to have a place reserved, right by Jesus’ side in heaven. Or, this person can’t seem to do anything right, there is no way that he’s going to make it. But God looks on the heart.
Don’t misunderstand me, you can’t make it to Heaven without bringing something of worth, just as a stalk of wheat with no grain on it is just another weed, but a lot of what looks like success to us, isn’t really, and what looks like failure, at least shows a willingness to try. When you get right down to it, someone who never fails doesn’t accomplish much of anything either, because all they do is what they know they can do. People that fail are often those that will step out in faith, and say, I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me, even though, sometimes, what they are doing isn’t what Christ wanted them to do. We all make mistakes. Some of us repent of our mistakes, and keep following the path that God has set before us.