Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Time

It’s that time of the year again. Christmas: the celebration of the birth of Christ. Of course, there are several other holidays that come about this time of year, so a lot of retailers instruct their clerks and cashiers to say, “Happy Holidays,” rather than “Merry Christmas,” in an attempt to avoid offending any non-Christian customers. Of course, some Christians then get offended.

Really, we shouldn’t get offended. This hardly qualifies as persecution, after all. This is a retailer trying not to lose customers. One thing that I have found, is that when a retail clerk says, “Happy Holidays” to me, and I respond, “Merry Christmas,” they almost always return my sentiment. And if somebody wants to wish me a Happy Kwanzaa, what of it? If I know that you celebrate Kwanzaa, I have no heartache wishing you a Happy Kwanzaa…

Sometimes we hear about some store or another that won’t allow bell-ringers outside their store. Again, this is an attempt not to offend. Personally, I think it’s a little silly: If you can’t walk past a bell-ringer without either dropping in a few coins or feeling guilty the rest of the day, then maybe you need some help—assertiveness training or something. Bottom line, if you don’t want to give any cash to the Salvation Army, that’s your business. I would hope that, if you call yourself a Christian, that you support some form of charity, but if the Salvation Army is not what you choose to support, that’s your business.

To be honest, Christmas is kind of a funny holiday anyway. We celebrate Jesus birthday, and we give each other presents. A lot of people celebrate Christmas without ever really considering whose birthday it is. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t have a problem with gift giving at Christmas, I think Jesus wants us to be generous towards each other, but let’s not forget the Who in the equation.

I’ve heard a lot of talk about the “War on Christmas,” but, to be honest, most of the evidence of such a war seems fairly thin. People being hesitant about saying Merry Christmas, or not wanting bell-ringers at their door, isn’t exactly earth shaking. It does, however, give those of us who are people of Faith, an opportunity to shine, just by saying, “Merry Christmas,” and meaning it.

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